Euclid Spring Company, Inc.

Quality Policy

-Satisfying our customer's requirements

-Complying with all applicable standards

-Continual improvement of the Quality Management System

-Remaining competitively Priced and

-Prospering as a business

Context of the Company

Euclid Spring is a company dedicated to meeting the following mission statement:

-To serve industry as the best manufacturer of round wire compression springs

-Employing the best people for the job, regardless of race, gender, or age, and training them to the best

    of their ability, augmented by continuing education

-Ongoing technological improvement in all facets of production to control cost and refine the quality of

    our product

-The constant enhancement of our administrative, human, and technical factors to achieve quality


Celebrating 75 years of Service

Since 1954

Euclid Spring Company, Inc.

30006 Lakeland Boulevard

Wickliffe, OH  44092   USA

P (440)943-3213

F (440)943-4668